I finished a wonderful
book today, “The Giant's House” by Elizabeth McCracken. Very
difficult to define, it is essentially a love story that is quirky
and peculiar enough to appeal to someone that really doesn't like to
think of themselves as an old romantic, but probably is. Without
giving too much away, there were some exquisitely written scenes
around one persons selfless devotion to their unlikely partner as
they gradually became less capable of looking after themselves. It
shows how a life can become completely consumed by the search for
happiness for another person and it both fascinated and completely
horrified me in equal measures. There is no doubt that the pain of
denying oneself happiness and joy in the name of finding it for
someone else could be seriously attractive and addictive to a certain
kind of personality.
It made me wonder how
easy it would be for me to find myself in a place like this. And
showed me how focussed I need to be to ensure that my own happiness
is not neglected.
But I loved the notes
on the back cover which I share here simply because I want to be able
to read them again and again.
“The Giant's House
is a strange, beautifully written and unforgettably tender novel
about learning to welcome the unexpected miracle, and about the
strength of choosing to love in a world that gives no promises, and
no guarantees.”
Read the book and love
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